First blog post

Well, today (10.08.2016) I start this journey of writing. I’ll do my best to provide you with real facts and figures. It feels great to write.!  

In my first post, I start with a positive  attitude. 

I write about Happiness. 

 Success at the expense of everything else, for example, leads to the opposite of happiness. Life requires balance. And people that understand that there is a balance to work and play, strife and joy, are more in tune with the universe and, therefore, better able to achieve happiness. Life with a dose of humor is more pleasant. Comedians, compared to any other profession, live the longest because they understand that laughter adds the spice to life, and makes daily progress worth the minor tribulations.
Happy reading.

Om shanti.

21 thoughts on “First blog post

  1. Awesome blog to start of with… Looking forward to read more of your writings… Another fan added …๐Ÿ˜€


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